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Problem Solving Made Easy

Baere Aerospace Consulting Inc offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help support your business. Whether it is traditional consulting, or one of our limited laboratory services, we partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions.


Continue scrolling down the page for examples of contracting services and laboratory testing services.  And contact us to learn more.


Aircraft Maintenance


- New synthetic fuels use
- Necessary testing  
- Questions on bio-based fuels   
- General questions
- Impacts of use  
- Guidance on research

Example Fuel Testing images


- Non-metallic material selections

- Manufacturability considerations

- Material compatibility - proactive prevention and post-identification


- Unknown identification

- Sample handling

- Testing support




- Unknown identification
- Contamination identification
- Compatibility issues
- Premature failures
- "Stinky, yucky, and gooey" ID's



- Facilitation and "Firewalls"
- Liaison between organizations
- Project team structures
- Task identification
- Timelines
- Grant proposal support


Basic Petroleum Testing

Baere only offers a minimum of onsite lab testing.  But if you have a specific petroleum test for which you are looking, Ask!  We can help you find it, help you access it, and help you interpret the data.

Yes, Baere can accept credit cards.  There is a 5% surcharge for using credit cards.  It is easier if we know before we invoice that a credit card is to be used.


For testing available at Baere, see the individual descriptions below for pricing.

Petrotest Flash point tester


Flash point testing using a Pensky-Marten closed cup flashpoint tester per ASTM D93.  We provide flash point data on a wide variety of petroleum, synthetic, and bio-derived fuels and light lubricants. 




Note:  This is NOT the TAG Closed Cup test per ASTM D56 referenced for many non-petroleum products.

Product details

The Petrotest® PMA-4 provides a temperature range from 40 to 360°C on Diesel Oil, Fuel, Lube Oil, Power Plant, Jet Fuel, Turbine Fuel, Engine Oil , Turbine Oil and Solvents.


Testing requires a minimum of 100ml per test run.  To run industry standard triplicate requires a total of 350ml.


In most cases we can provide a verbal answer in 5 business days after sample receipt.  We then provide a signed hardcopy report of the analysis.  Rush services may be available upon request.


Product price

Baere will provide flash point tests on a per test basis of $130 each up to three replicates.  

There is a $10 environmental fee for materials that cannot be disposed of through traditional flammable waste streams.


If a test plan or interpretation of results is requested, a flat fee contract can be prepared or a straight per hour rate of $260/hour with a do not exceed value is available.

Tensiomat Surface Tension tester


Surface and interfacial tension testing using a duNouy platinum ring.  Testing is run per ASTM D1331. We will provide interfacial and surface tension numbers on a variety of fluids.

Product details

The Fisher Scientific Tensiomat provides room temperature testing of the surface and interfacial tension of liquids. 


Testing requires 200ml of fluid. To perform density correction, requester needs to provide a density, or also have a density test performed.


The submitter is responsible for appropriate sampling and sample handling to avoid contamination which can invalidate results.


In most cases we can provide a verbal answer in 5 business days after sample receipt.  We then provide a signed hardcopy report of the analysis.  Rush services may be available upon request.


Product price

Baere will provide surface tension tests on a per test basis of $145 each and interfacial tension at $160 each. There is a $10 environmental fee for materials that cannot be disposed of through traditional flammable waste streams.


If a test plan or interpretation of results is requested, a flat fee contract can be prepared or a straight per hour rate of $260/hour with a do not exceed value is available.

Product details

Durometer is the measure of hardness.  This hardness is determined by measuring the depth of an indentation in the material created by a given force on a standardized presser foot. This depth is dependent on the hardness of the material, its viscoelastic properties, the shape of the presser foot, and the duration of the test.  A force is applied in a consistent manner, without shock, and depth of the indentation or hardness is read from the durometer scale. If a timed hardness is desired, force is applied for the required time and then read.


Testing requires a slab that is a minimum of 6 mm (0.25 inches) thick and equivalent 25 mm (1") x 25 mm (1") area.  For o'rings a minimum of three whole o'rings are required.


In most cases we can provide a verbal answer in 3 - 5 business days after sample receipt.  We then provide a signed hardcopy report of the analysis.


Product price

Shore A hardness determination is $55 per sample.   

Shore M hardness determination is $80 per sample (3 o'rings)


If a test plan or interpretation of results is requested, a flat fee contract can be prepared or a straight per hour rate of $260/hour with a do not exceed value is available.

Photo courtesy of Kohler Instruments

ASTM D381 Air Jet Existent Gum

ASTM D381 is for determining the existent gum content in aviation fuels.  Baere provides only the determination of existent gum in aviation gasoline using the Airjet method.  We do not perform testing using the steam jet method.


Product details

The existent gum of aviation gasoline is determined by evaporating a 50 mL sample of fuel under controlled exposure time, temperature and air flow in pre-weighed beakers.  Following the evaporation, the cooled beakers are re-weighed and the amount of residue determined.  This is reported as mg/100mL.


Testing requires a minimum of 200 mL unless otherwise agreed upon.


In most cases we can provide a verbal answer in 3 - 5 days after sample receipt.  We then provide a signed hardcopy report of the analysis.


Product Price

Baere will provide existent gum test by air jet on a per test basis.  Cost is $350 per sample, run in duplicate.  There is a $10 environmental fee for materials that cannot be disposed of through traditional flammable waste streams.


If a test plan or interpretation of results is requested, a flat fee contract can be prepared or a straight per hour rate of $260/hour with a do not exceed value is available.

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Density kit for determination by displacement


Room temperature density measurements using mass displacement.  This is similar to ASTM D792.  The method uses the Archimedes principle of displacement in water to determine a materials density.
For solids the density needs to be greater than 1.000 g/cc (they do not float).

Product details

The Mass Displacement Density determination method (jolie balance) provides room temperature testing of the density of liquids and solids by displacement relative to water. 


Testing requires 200ml of fluid or 1 gram of solid.  


In most cases we can provide a verbal answer in 3 to 5 business days after sample receipt.  We then provide a signed hardcopy report of the analysis.  Rush services may be available upon request.


Product price

Baere will provide room density tests relative to water on a per test basis.  Liquid density determination is $55 per sample and solid density determination is $60 per sample.   There is a $10 environmental fee for materials that cannot be disposed of through traditional flammable waste streams.


If a test plan or interpretation of results is requested, a flat fee contract can be prepared or a straight per hour rate of $260/hour with a do not exceed value is available.

Shore M Rubber Hardness tester

Photo courtesy of Rex Instruments


While Shore is no longer manufacturing durometers, most of our users will recognize ASTM D2240 hardness measurements as "Shore" measurements.  For flat stock, the typical measurement is "Shore A". For measuring the hardness of o'rings, the measure is Shore M.

Baere has both type A and type M capabilities.

(765) 743-9812

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