This is where your fuel and lubricant solutions begin
Baere is a woman-owned business, certified in the state of Indiana, formed to fill a niche market in aerospace design and support related to fuels and lubricants, and other organic materials.
Company history
Formed in 1999, Baere Aerospace has over 50 years staff experience in dealing with aerospace design support. Our staff includes a degreed analytical chemist, a licensed aviation mechanic, a licensed pilot, and a manufacturing engineer. We have expertise to cover all aspects of your design and deployment challenges. Baere's personnel are published authors (popular press, reviewed journals and text books) and have provided lectures, seminars and training courses to the aerospace industry across the country.

With years of experience, our staff has the capabilities and expertise to support your business. At Baere Aerospace Consulting Inc, we combine our insights and skills to answer design questions, access fuel and lubricant testing, and support testing and failure analysis. While we are not a service lab, we work with several highly reputable labs and we offer a short list of very specialized testing. We can be part of your team, or we can be a turn-key service.

The continued use of multifunctional teams, cross-training, doing more with less, and working smarter not harder have become the mantra of contemporary companies. Covid resulted in belt tightening, early retirements, and hiring freezes. As business open back up to "new normal" there seem to not be enough experienced people to go around. There is one person doing the day to day work, the short term planning, the project management, and the long-term planning. They are doing it in remote offices, from "hotelling" spaces, or with colleagues who are. There is little time to keep up on the cutting edge opportunities for the day to day work. Sometimes it is impossible to see the big picture anymore for all the work. How can one person recognize opportunities, connect resources, identify synergies, and bring it all together? All while doing the job for which one was hired?
Consider asking us for help. Baere personnel are available to provide technical assistance and analytical testing on a wide variety of fuel, lubricant and sealing material subjects. Companies want to find more environmentally friendly products and processes, but are struggling to add another topic to their list of projects. We get paid to see things going on across the landscape and painting a unified picture. Your staff is already spread thinly and have no more time to take on one more project. Baere Aerospace can help you on a contract basis. You only pay for the time and services you need.